How to easily recognize the planets of the solar system

How to recognize the planets of the solar system easily (Beginner's Guide):

  • Mercury- The closest to the sun, full of craters
  • Venus- It has a yellowish color, rotates in the opposite direction to the rest
  • Earth- It's where we all live
  • Mars-It has a reddish color, it's like a big desert
  • Jupiter- The biggest of all, has an unmistakable red spot
  • Saturn- Another gas giant, has its characteristic rings
  • Uranus- It also has rings, but its main feature is that its axis is markedly inclined
  • Neptune- A large blue ice ball with a white spot.

Note: All outer planets (that is, those beyond the asteroid belt), Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune have rings, these rings vary in size and composition, but only Saturn and Uranus are popularly related to this phenomenon)

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