About the Author

  Hello everyone, my name is Josher. I am a History and Humanities specialist and professor, as well as a writer and researcher. At the same time I am a musical composer, and a fan of Astronomy. And recently I have become a blogger. But above all things I am someone who simply likes to know everything and always tries to learn something new.

I created this site precisely as a means of educational dissemination, to analyze and understand topics that could be complex, in a simple and enjoyable way. I think it is important and necessary to encourage people to ask themselves about the things that surround them, and solve misconceptions and wrond ideas that have lived with us for a long time. We have to ask ourselves, but don't be left alone in the question, we have to investigate, go out in search of the answers.

Obviously the answers are in different places, nobody can claim to have all the answers, but the level of disinformation and ignorance that exists today is worrying, and sometimes it becomes difficult being able to maintain objectivity and seek the true solutions to our questions among so many and so much misinformation (often for deceptive and unethical purposes). Given that panorama, I decided to make this site, to somehow provide a bit of objectivity, and above all, encourage reading and the desire for knowledge, something so necessary and that it seems to be in a growing decline.

I emphasize that, as it should be obvious, I am not a specialist in all the topics on which I analyze and write (nobody could be a specialist in all knowledge disciplines), in fact, many times my articles are the answers to questions that I formulate to myself, in my constant desire to know. In order to arrive at these answers, there is a whole investigative work and an objective analysis as background, deepening in diverse sources, to gradually, together with what I can contribute from my position, to arrive at the appropriate answers.

Even more than giving answers to the questions, my goal with this site is to encourage the reader's research, invite him/her to keep learning and deepening, so that everyone can find their own definitions.

Be this site, then, another weapon in the fight against ignorance, misinformation and apathy, and at the same time a place for the promotion of knowledge, exchange, analysis, information, and, an occasion to enjoy an interesting and constructive reading as well.


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