The Bermuda Triangle is an equilateral triangle shaped geographic area located in the Atlantic Ocean, between the Bermuda Islands, Puerto Rico and the American city of Miami (in the state of Florida). By joining these three points with an imaginary line, a triangle of about 1600 to 1800 km on each side is formed , with an area of ​​approximately 1.1 million km², where dozens of ships and planes have disappeared over time.
  Unexplained circumstances surround some of these accidents, including one in which the pilots of a US Navy bomber squad were disoriented as they flew over the area; The planes were never found. Allegedly, other ships and planes disappeared from the area in good weather without even sending distress messages over the radio.
  Although innumerable fanciful / paranormal theories about the Bermuda Triangle have been proposed, none of them proves that these disappearances occur more frequently in this sector than in other areas of the ocean. In fact, many people navigate this area every day without incident.
  As stated before, The Bermuda Triangle, or Devil’s Triangle, covers approximately an area of ​​approximately 1.1 million km² at the southeast end of Florida.
  When Christopher Columbus sailed through these seas on his first trip to the New World, he reported that a great flame of fire (probably a meteor) crashed into the sea one night and that a strange light appeared in the distance a few weeks later. He also wrote about erratic readings on the compass.
  Everything would skyrocket from 1964, when writer Vincent Gaddis created the phrase “Bermuda Triangle” in an article in a magazine; Mysterious additional accidents occurred in the area, including three passenger planes that fell despite having sent messages that “everything is fine”.
  Despite how much myths and legends there are or could be, the reality is that there is nothing unusual in those waters, nor is there any mystery that makes ships sink or planes fall … nor are there as many disasters as it is believed, it is more an unfounded fame than otherwise; there are places with more accidents and there is no talk or fame about them.

  The whole explanation is very simple: there is no magnetic field under the continental plate as many believe, nor a rare presence of methane in the area that interferes with the controls of the ships, much less stupid things such as paranormal activity and nonsense like that. They are simply unusual hexagonal clouds that create “air bombs” that hit at a speed up to 270 km / h. They are formed by what has been called “microcombustions” that generate air pumps between 32 and 88 kilometers wide and that unleash a movement from the clouds to the sea surface, that is, gusts of air that descend from the bottom of a cloud and then hit the ocean and create waves that can sometimes be massive in size as they begin to interact with each other, causing winds of more than 270 kilometers per hour. The current of air in this triangle is so powerful that it is the cause of the fall of airplanes in the sea, while the presence of waves of more than 14 meters high, are responsible for the shipwrecks … so that it is enough to stop speculating and searching for mysteries or making absurd theories without the minimum foundation or objectivity.

January 26, 2019

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